Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Yves Congar on the Church

From Richard McBrien's The Church: The Evolution of Catholicism:
There were at least six major components of Congar’s ecclesiological approach: (1) the Church is the People of God. The laity as well as the clergy and religious are called to full participation in the Church’s life, mission, and ministries. (2) The hierarchy exists to serve the Church, not to dominate it. (3) The Church is a minority in the service of the majority. It exists in itself, but not for itself. It prepares the way for the coming of the Kingdom of God. (4) The Church must always be engaged in institutional and communal renewal and reform, in both head and members. (5) The Church is a communion in which structures are only a means to enable it to fulfill its mission. (6) The Church is ecumenical in nature and scope.
And who's the guy on the left?

1 comment:

  1. Utterly barking! Ratzinger of course was a liberal who was sent to "sort out" the CDF by JPII. Unfortunately for JPII and chums, Ratzinger then went native. The rest, as they say...
